OZ 2014/2

72 ORGANIZACIJA ZNANJA 2014, LETN. 19, ZV. 2 Jay Weitz OCLC, Dublin, Ohio E-mail address: weitzj @ oclc.org Most catalogers know that for cataloging under the broad rubric of "Anglo-American Cataloging Rules" (AACR) and for content designation under the general label of "Machine-Readable Cataloging" (MARC), what has Reaching Decisions and Adjusting: RDA and OCLC Abstract Resource Description and Access (RDA), the successor to the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules (AACR), has had a significant impact on both bibliographic and authority data as they are repre- sented in Machine-Readable Cataloging records in MARC 21. A brief history of the develoment of RDA is outlined. Since 2006, OCLC has kept up with some fifteen MARC 21 Bibliographic, Autho- rity, and Holdings Updates through a total of nine OCLC-MARC Updates. Many of the new fields and indexes implemented by OCLC are listed, many of them directly related to RDA. The MARC fields for Content Type (336), Media Type (337), and Carrier Type (338) are given special attention, as they collectively replace and improve upon the AACR concept of the General Material Designa- tion (GMD). In addition to the many new indexes implemented, including the "Entity Attributes" indexes in both the Bibliographic and Authority files, newly defined elements have been added to many existing indexes. RDA-related updates have also been made to OCLC's Connexion browser and client interfaces. OCLC policies regarding RDA records are discussed, including some of the automated changes to existing records that are underway. Keywords RDA, MARC 21, OCLC, Cataloguing, AACR, Bibliographic data, Authority data Izvle~ek Katalogizacijska pravila Resource Description and Access (RDA), ki so nasledila Anglo-ameriška katalogizacijska pravila (AACR), so imela velik vpliv tako na bibliografske kot na normativne po- datke, kot so prikazani v strojno berljivih kataložnih zapisih v formatu MARC21. Prikazana je kratka zgodovina razvoja RDA. Od leta 2006 je OCLC z devetimi posodobitvami formata OCLC-MARC držal korak s formatom MARC 21, v katerem je bilo izvedenih približno petnajst posodobitev, ki so se nanašale na bibliografske in normativne podatke ter podatke o zalogi. Navedenih je precej novih polj in indeksov, ki jih je uvedel OCLC; mnogi od njih so neposredno povezani z RDA. Posebna pozor- nost je namenjena poljem formata MARC za vrsto vsebine (336), vrsto medija (337) in vrsto nosilca (338), saj skupaj zamenjujejo in izboljšujejo koncept splošne oznake gradiva (angl. General Material Designation, GMA ). Poleg uvedbe mnogih novih indeksov, vključno z indeksi atributov entitete (angl. Entity Attributes), tako v bibliografskih kot normativnih datotekah, so bili k mnogim obstoječim in- deksom dodani številni na novo definirani elementi. Posodobitve, povezane z RDA, so bile izvedene tudi za OCLC-jeva vmesnika za brskalnik in odjemalec Connexion. Obravnavana je politika OCLC-ja glede RDA-zapisov skupaj z nekaterimi samodejnimi spremembami obstoječih zapisov, ki so v teku. Klju~ne besede RDA, MARC 21, OCLC, katalogizacija, AACR, bibliografski podatki, normativni podatki The article is based on the presentation with the title Reaching Decisions and Adjusting: RDA and OCLC given at the international conference UNIMARC 2014: 4th UNIMARC Users' Group Meeting in Maribor, Slovenia, on 14 May 2014. appeared to be decade after decade of stability has actu- ally been a seriously misleading illusion. Like the pro- verbial duck paddling furiously underwater, beneath the apparently calm surfaces of AACR beginning in 1967 and doi:10.3359/oz1402072 1.04: STROKOVNI ČLANEK