OZ 2012/4

COBISS OBVESTILA oddaljen cilj, ki se mu zgolj približujemo, ampak prostor, ki ga sami soustvarjamo. Glede na to, da je digitalna družba naša prihodnost, je tudi naša odgovornost pri soustvarjanju prihodnje digitalne družbe velika. V novih razmerah moramo najti odgovore na razvojne izzive, ki zahtevajo hitro prilagajanje in inovativnost ter vpetost v mednarodne razvojne tokove. V tem kontekstu sodobnih razvojnih gibanj je jasno, da ima poslanstvo IZUM-a zelo pomembno vlogo. Pričakujemo, da bo IZUM-u vloga Unescovega centra 2. kategorije odprla dodatne možnosti uresničevanja njegovega poslanstva in okrepila multikulturno sodelovanje in pretok informacij o intelektualni produkciji v regiji, kar bo spodbudilo nastanek novih partnerskih odnosov v delu sveta, kjer je to glede na polpreteklo zgodovino še posebej potrebno. Center bo spodbujal posodabljanje in povezovanje knjižničnih sistemov ter izgradnjo informacijske infrastrukture, ki bo omogočala višjo kakovost raziskovalne dejavnosti, večjo transparentnost raziskovalnih potencialov in rezultatov raziskav v regiji, posledično pa bo tudi pospeševala inovativnost. IZUM in s tem tudi Republika Slovenija sta z ustanovitvijo prvega Unescovega centra pri nas sprejela odgovornost, ki se ji ne mi, ne kolegi iz IZUM-a ne bomo izneverili . To je naš prispevek k uresničevanju poslanstva OZN in Unesca in simbolično je, da je razglasitev centra ravno na dan Organizacije združenih narodov. Jānis Kārkliņš: On the occasion of the inauguration of IZUM as a Category 2 Centre under the auspices of UNESCO Mr. Davor Šoštarič, director of IZUM, Government Representative of Slovenia, Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen! It is a pleasure and indeed an honour for me to stand before you and share some of my reflections on the event today, which essentially is to celebrate the landmark signature of the agreement establishing IZUM as a Category 2 centre under the auspices of UNESCO. This signature took place on 18 September in Paris in the presence of Ms Irina Bokova, the Director-General of UNESCO and Dr. Žiga Turk, Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport, Ms. Veronika Stabej, Ambassador of the Republic Slovenia to France and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Slovenia to UNESCO and Ms. Darja Golež, Ministre plénipotentiaire, Chef-adjointe de mission, Embassy of Slovenia in France. There could have been a no better prelude to my speech than the wonderful concert that we have just heard of Maestro Hugo Wolf. To some extent, what UNESCO and IZUM plan to do together is to unravel the World of Communication and Information and explore the Universe of Knowledge. And we wish to serve the people of this region "beautifully". These words were in essence carried in the theme of the concert that we just heard. Let me give you a brief history: The Government of Slovenia proposed the establishment of a category 2 institute under the auspices of UNESCO by transforming the Institute of Information Science (IZUM) in Maribor. The Institute will operate based on the principles of equal international cooperation with Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro. A feasibility study was undertaken by UNESCO based on relevant documentation provided by the Government of Slovenia and IZUM regarding the proposed transformation of the institute into a category 2 institute under the auspices of UNESCO. The Executive Board at its 187th session decided to recommend the establishment of the Category 2 Centre in Maribor, to the General Conference at its 36th session, for its approval and authorization to the Director-General to sign the corresponding agreement. It was decided that the Institute will specifically work towards complementing UNESCO’s activities in the following areas: