OZ 2011/3

64 ORGANIZACIJA ZNANJA 2011, LETN. 16, ZV. 3 When new knowledge is generated by a project, it is essential that this knowledge is recorded and communicated to target audiences. Knowledge recording must preserve knowledge authenticity and arrange it in a form suitable for the target audiences. An appropriate communication channel must be provided for recorded knowledge to reach a target audience. These are also basic requirements for assuring quality in dissemination of knowledge. These basic requirements are complemented by recommendations and conclusions of different formal bodies and research studies (Council of the EU, 2007; EuropeAid, 2009; Fry et al., 2009; OECD, 2007; RIN, DISSEMINATION OF KNOWLEDGE PROCESS SYSTEMATIZATION AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION Maksimiljan Gerkeš Institut informacijskih znanosti Maribor Kontaktni naslov: maks.gerkes @ izum.si Abstract Dissemination proved to be a complex process that can take very diverse paths with questionable outcomes if not shaped correctly. And there are variety of views in research communities and the society of what the dissemination is. In such a situation it is natural to develop a more solid comprehension of the concept and, based on this, a model of the environment for the dissemination. This makes it possible to set goals of dissemination. By systematization the dissemination process is then shaped in such a way as to allow fulfilling the dissemination goals. To assure the process is carried out as defined, a system implementing the process is proposed. The model of the environment proved critical for the definition of the dissemination process and systematization proved to be a means for completing and structuring knowledge about the dissemination accordingly. Both are verified against a real dissemination process. Research communities can benefit from such a system in increased quality of dissemination achieved with less dissemination effort. Keywords dissemination, concept, process, model, systematization, implementation. Introduction Izvleček Diseminacija se izkaže za zahteven proces, ki vodi k vprašljivim rezultatom, če je neustrezno zastavljen in usmerjan. Raznolikost pogledov na diseminacijo v raziskovalnih okoljih in v družbi nasploh ne prispeva k poenostavitvi procesa. V takšni situaciji je naravno najprej oblikovati solidno razumevanje koncepta in nato oblikovati model okolja za diseminacijo. To pa omogoči postavitev ciljev diseminacije. S sistematizacijo vzpostavimo proces diseminacije tako, da omogoča izpolnitev teh ciljev. Za zagotovitev, da bo proces diseminacije tudi izpeljan tako, kot je zastavljen, predlagamo sistem, ki implementira ta proces. Model okolja se izkaže v tem kontekstu kot ključen za oblikovanje procesa diseminacije, sistematizacija pa se izkaže kot sredstvo za potrebno dopolnitev in strukturiranje znanja o diseminaciji. Tako model okolja kot sistematizacija sta bila uporabljena na resničnem procesu diseminacije. Raziskovalna okolja dobijo s tako zastavljeno diseminacijo večjo kakovost procesa ob manjšem naporu. Ključne besede diseminacija, koncept, proces, model, sistematizacija, implementacija 2007; RIN, 2008; RIN, 2009; Scholarly Publishing Roundtable, 2010). Dissemination is commonly coordinated based on a dissemination strategy (Kakaletris 2005, Viollier 2009). When knowledge to be disseminated is still in origination, the dissemination strategy should be developed based on incomplete information. To avoid this, the information gaps can be filled in based on educated guesses. Developed in this way the dissemination strategy may later need adaptation to the actual situation. doi:10.3359/oz1103064 1.01: IZVIRNI ZNANSTVENI ČLANEK